KLPGA Yoon Ina withdraws from match due to shoulder pain

KLPGA Yoon Ina withdraws from match due to shoulder pain

Blog Article

Yoon Ina of the Korea Ladies Professional Golf Association (KLPGA) Tour withdrew from the game due to shoulder pain.

Yoon Ina complained of shoulder pain and gave up the game on the 16th hole during the first round of the McCall-Mona

Yongpyong Open held at Yongpyong Golf Club (par 72) in Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do on the 28th.

Yoon Ina revealed that her shoulder hurt when she started the game that day. She endured the pain and continued the


but ended up withdrawing on the 16th hole because her shoulder hurt so much that she couldn't swing.

He said he was not sure what was causing his shoulder pain, so he abstained and went to the hospital to get tested.

Yoon Ina hit two OBs that day and had a rough shot, hitting 안전 4 over par through the 16th hole.

Yoon Ina, who was banned from playing for three years for reporting a late play in 2022, but the sentence was reduced to

one year and six months, returned this season and finished in the top 10 five times, including two runner-up finishes, in

nine competitions.

Yoon also withdrew from the E1 Charity Open last May after shooting a 5-over-par 77 in the first round.

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